Monday, February 27, 2023

Mister Magic


Mister Magic

What age were you
When a song first
Impacted you?
Hit you straight in the heart
In your soul
Sixteen is when it happended to me.
I was in Berkeley, California
Visiting my cousins for Christmas
My cousin put the platter on
On a good stereo too
The cover intrigued me
First track to play?
Track 3
"Mister Magic"
The opening key groove caught my attention
As if to say "listen up"
Then some poppin' electric guitar
To spice it up
Then at 32 seconds in
Grover's sax entered
I was hooked
Never heard the sax played in such a cool manner
A musician I was not
But I knew what was magic'And this was
Mister Magic
Had a spell on me
Before that time jazz to me
Was my parents Pete Fountain vinyl
Not now
Grover Washington Jr and his R&B-ish jazz
Infused with a unique collection of flowing beats and grooves
That I still listen to today.
Mister Magic
Impacted me forever

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