Monday, August 28, 2023

Shapes and Colors

 Shapes and Colors

Ever squinted your eyes?
While looking at a colorful garden
Or a thousand acres of wheat?
Shape and colors emerge
Edges of the heads of wheat
Blend with the stalks surrounding
The ibrant colors of the roses
The sunflowers
With the huge, and green, leaves
Of the squash
Creating art
Ran across a galaxy the other day
On the backroads of my island
Went though a grove of trees
Lush green
And looked up
Way up
Squinted my eyes
There it was
A swirling galaxy above me
I stopped
Squinted my eyes
It came to life

Monday, August 21, 2023

Never Knew Faith

Never Knew Faith

Never knew faith
As a kid
Word never came up
Never taught by Mom or Dad
My only faith
As with my brothers
As explained in later life
Was Mom and Dad's love and care for us
That was it
That was all
Because they did
Most of the time
But that failed
That faith could not be trusted
Broken by screaming and anger at home
My faith was lost.
Like when you hang onto the dock of your favorite swimming hole
Feeling secure even though
There is 25 feet of deep lake beneath
And then all of a sudden
That handle of the dock
I am too tired
I try to reach for something solid to grab onto
But I cant

I drop into the deep water
And down I go

That is what my faith life looked like

But then "Faith" found me
When I was 16
The Good Shepherd grabbed me
From the depths of despair
From that "deep dark lake"
And raised me to the surface
Never to let go.
I still did not understand
Who He was
And why He did that

But over the years
He explained
And I trusted
He gave me hope
Which I had confidence in
Even though I could not see
I had assurance
That is Faith to me

When the battles of life
The darkness of life
Is so close
I hold onto the dock
That I know
Will not break away
I live through those tragedies of life
Those battles that seem about to consume me
And I flourish

I have faith
That is active
Thank you Good Shepherd
For holding onto me.

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Tears will Fall

 Tears will Fall

She is moving
My 4 year old grand daughter
She has lived with us for 2 years
A long time
She grew up under that tree
It seems
There is a swing hanging from a branch
This day she spent 2 hours under that tree
With her snake
She is jumping to get some leaves
For a bed for “Slithery” the snake
While she was swinging I looked over
To my wife
Tears were falling
Big tears
The days of playing under this tree
Playing with her
Will soon be over
Oh how we cherish
These moments with our grand daughter.
I was crying too
She will visit
But will not be the same
The tears are not because of loss
But of realizing the blessing
God has provided
In the everyday
Under a tree
With our grand daughter
We both love you Eleanor