Finding My Voice
Deep down in my soul
Feelings, thoughts, stories, ideas
Mine, all mine
Unique to me
Have they always been there?
Years went by
They stayed deep down
Locked away?
At least on a shelf high up
Where no one could reach them
Nor hear them
Not being shared
For sure not verbalized
Would I always be separated?
At a distance
Yelling deep within a forest
With no one around to hear
But the iceberg started melting
All by reading Black Beauty to my love
At bedtime
Ten years later
Speaking in front of my church
Outside in a park
I spoke of being my brother’s keeper
Some twenty years after that
I read a piece of writing out loud
In front of people I did not know
Bright lights in my eyes
I spoke
With cadence
A piece titled "Hold Onto Hope".
I had found my voice