Sunday, July 31, 2022
I Love It Here
I Love It Here
I love it here
She said
While strolling on her favorite beach
On her favorite island
Her home.
I am not far behind.
Actually, I have placed my rear
On a big driftwood log
I like to look out to sea
She likes to look down the shoreline
I look for sailboats
Or freighters
An intriguing image
To photograph
She looks for shiny things
Seaglass in particular
Or shells
We are together
Although we go at different paces
We are both soulful
Both taking in the breeze
The sound of the waves
However small
The smell of the saltwater
We end up back at the starting point at the same time.
Her with a pocket full of shells and seaglass.
Me with 300 photographs
We end up with a deeper connection
With each other
With our island
We love it here
Especially when we are together
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Tick Tick Tick
Goes my time
Goes my day
Not keeping track
Just keeping time
I can't hear that meter
That keeper of time
But I know it is there
Sometimes I blow a whole day
Eating the junk food of life
Other times are different
I grasp the whole day
Both arms
Dive in and live
Live today
With family
With friends
What He brings to mind
Hearing the spirit touch my heart
Those tick ticks are well spent
I remember those ones
"Be still and know I am God"
Is my meter
The one that matters
May I live today
Knowing my time is well spent
And have that meter tick tick tick
With His love
Monday, July 18, 2022
A New Day
A New Day
It was a struggle.
Yesterday was.
Getting up this morning was.
But I made it.
Down to the marina.
And the gift?
To see this beauty.
A new day
Slate is wiped clean.
Begin again.
Will today be different?
Make the most of today
This new day.
Make a difference.
Touch someone. I will.
My special family.
My grand kids especially.
Dig in and take this day with
My entirety.
Be grateful.
Ohhhh be so grateful.
For this new day
That He has given me.
But mostly ...
... look and see all the beauty
He has created
I marvel in it.
And breath it in
This moment
At the beginning of a new day.
Monday, July 11, 2022
Walk into a room
Or a Pub
Look around and there they are
The gems of life
Being known
Sharing life with
The good times and bad
Argue with?
You bet
A friend can take it.
You know what I like best
About a friend?
I do not have to prove anything
Just show up
And be me
We aren't even from the same backgrounds
Doesn't matter
You are my friend
Now lets go do life
Tuesday, July 05, 2022
Colors of Life
A pace that is many times too fast
Often my grand kids come over
To play
To explore
To adventure
These times are when life slows
We wander
We wonder
And we squint
Squint at a garden full of roses
To see if the colors change
Hey they do !
Next stop, then garden pond
To dunk our heads under the surface
To see if the colors change
Hey they do !
Next stop, the front forest
Tilt our heads way back
Looking straight up
Will a bald eagle fly by
Nope, not this time
But a squirel climbs higher in the trees
Next stop, the back meadow
Will our deer friends be back there?
Taking a nap in the tall grass
We do see a mamma deer
Baby must be close by
We crawl through the grass
On all fours
And see the colors of life
Through the eyes of my grand kids